University of Macedonia

The University of Macedonia was established in its current form in 1990 and is located in Thessaloniki, in Northern Greece. It is a State University under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education. It is a dynamic institution with four faculties consisting of eight undergraduate academic departments covering thirty graduate programs (Master Degrees) in disciplines with high demand in the labour market. About 16.000 undergraduate and 2.000 graduate students attend courses at the University of Macedonia. The key areas of interest are related to the fields of economics, administration, applied informatics and social and political sciences. The decision-making bodies are the senate, the rector and the council. The University of Macedonia employs 241 people as teaching and research staff of various academic levels. Also, the Research Committee employs a number of researchers and scientific staff during the implementation of research projects.
The scientific team of the project belongs to the department of Business Administration which is conducting research and educating students on issues of decision making, Business Administration analysis and provides sophisticated and critical theories and techniques to help students achieve the highest quality necessary for managerial and professional careers in the public and private sector.
The University of Macedonia has implemented projects under most of the former Erasmus programmes (Tempus, Life Long Learning and Jean Monnet chairs), former framework (FP7) and Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue programmes as well as many European Territorial Cooperation Programmes. At present, it participates as a coordinator or a beneficiary in projects under the Erasmus+ programme, as well as the Horizon 2020 programme.
Meet the Team
in LightCode Project

Jason Papathanasiou is an Associate Professor at the Department of Business Administration, University of Macedonia, Greece. He holds a Ph.D. in Operational Research and Informatics and a degree in Physics, both from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He has worked for a number of years at the Alexander TEI of Thessaloniki and at the University of Western Macedonia. He has organised and participated in a number of international scientific conferences and workshops and has published papers in international scientific peer-refereed journals like the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Regional Studies, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America and European Journal of Operational Research; in all, he has more than 100 papers published in conferences, books, and journals. He has participated in many national and international research projects in FP6, FP7, Interreg, Erasmus+, and COST and he is a member coordination board of EWGDSS. He was also a member of the Committee of Senior Officials and TDP-Panel of COST.
Giota Digkoglou is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Business Administration. She graduated from the University of Macedonia with a Master’s Diploma in Business Administration. She holds a Master’s degree (MSc) in Information Systems from the University of Macedonia, with a great interest in decision support systems, multiple criteria decision-making, and operations research. For the last 5 years, she has been working as a project manager in the implementation of research and educational projects supporting continuous professional and personal development, as well as projects related to enhancing active citizenship, critical thinking, media literacy, and digital skills in different target groups and age groups.